Student Voices

Alumni Connections Spark in NY

By Caitlin Wallace

There I was, standing on the corner of Howard and Spear.

I looked to my right at the cars whizzing down the Embarcadero, and the sail boats lazily rocking with the waves of the San Francisco Bay; to my left was the Financial District, with buildings so tall I could barely see the sky.

I threw out my arm to hail a yellow cab and stepped out into the street with my patent leather red pumps. I slid onto the black leather bench seat of the cab, closed my eyes and sighed with relief as I threw my purse and portfolio next to me and said to the driver, “Union Square, please. I have a lunch date.”

That exciting day when I stood on the corner of Howard and Spear was a long time in the making.

It truly began the first day I walked into PR Strategy and realized that a career in public relations was going to be a lot of work. Not only was the profession itself demanding, but getting a job in a tough market was going to require skill, talent and a year’s worth of off-the-clock networking.

Of course, I didn’t come to this epiphany all at once while sitting in my chair in Tehama 130.

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