Journalism Times

Personality and professionalism: The perfect online presence

by Jorie Westley

Once she walks through the door she's already “checked-in.”

With BlackBerry in hand, Jessica Kaplan always makes sure everyone knows where she is and what she's doing.

"You never know who's looking," she said.

Jessica is constantly using social networking and applications such as Foursquare to "check-in.”

By sharing what's she's doing, Jessica can show her friends — and maybe future employers — where she spends her time.

As the online communications assistant for Tehama Group Communications, it's Jessica's job to be social. Jessica manages the agency's Facebook and Twitter accounts, as well as an agency blog. Each consultant writes blog entries about current issues, job hunting and personal experiences. Jessica posts these and uses social networking sites to make sure people read the blogs of her peers.

"Not that we don't love reading each other’s writing, but I want the public to read it too," Jessica said.

Jessica updates the TGC blog and Twitter account daily with news about the agency and clips from the consultants’ blogs. Her latest challenge has been communicating with other bloggers to get more readers and comments.

In addition to attracting people to follow the TGC blog and Twitter, Jessica’s other job is to work on her personal networking.

As her May graduation approaches, Jessica has found Twitter to be the most productive way to connect and build a professional presence.  

"I mainly use Twitter to follow companies and re-tweet their posts,” Jessica said. “If they like what I have to say, hopefully they'll begin to follow me, too."

After graduation, Jessica plans to move back to Southern California, where she was born and raised. She has been predominately researching public relations agencies in Los Angeles and hopes to work in the lifestyle and consumer PR. 

Jessica has created a comprehensive online presence that gives insight on her latest projects, TGC blog updates, entertainment news or simply where she is. 

"Your sites reflect yourself. Think about who is looking and remember that they are public,” Jessica said. “Keep it professional, but personalize it.”

Where is Jessica now? Well she just "checked-in" to a restaurant in San Francisco where she's visiting for the weekend and recently became “mayor” of the Tehama Group Communications office. 

Jessica Kaplan at the Computer


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